Monday, May 5, 2008

Simpsons Reference of the Day

(During a conversation on Campaign 2008)

HEH: Did you see that Fox News thought that the Lincoln-Douglas debates were between Abraham Lincoln a Frederick Douglass? (laughter) What did they debate? ‘I think slavery is bad.’ ‘I agree!’
Me: Maybe they debated lunch. ‘Your chicken noodle soup plan goes too far!’ ‘I say your sandwich plan doesn’t go far enough!’
HEH: What’s the Simpsons episode about that? The one where Kang and Kodos run for president?
Me (quoting): Abortions for all! Boooooo! Very well, abortions for none! Boooooo! Hmmm. Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others! Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy!”

Reference: Treehouse of Horror VII, “Citizen Kang”, Season 8, Episode 1.

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